Adding numbers to your business directory
Adding or removing numbers from your businesses directory is easy using our Uboss portal. As part of our onboarding process a user for the Uboss portal will have been created. If you don’t currently have access to Uboss and require it, or have forgotten which user at your business has access, please contact our support team using the details at the bottom of this post.
Navigate here to access Uboss, and sign in using the details provided by Bluecube. Once signed in to Uboss you can amend your business directory with the below steps:
- Along the left of the portal click on ‘Settings’, then scroll down to the ‘My Short Codes’ section, and select ‘Common Phone List’.
- To add a contact select the ‘Add’ button on the top right, enter the name and number of the contact you wish to add, and press ‘Save’. If you tick ‘Add in Site Directory’, this contact will reflect for all sites across the business.
- You’ll now see the contact reflected in the main contacts list.
- To delete a contact from the contacts list click on the name of the contact you want to remove, then press ‘Delete’.
- You can also export a list of your contacts. To do this, click the purple ‘Export’ button on the main contacts list page. There’s also an option to bulk import contacts – we’d recommend contacting the Bluecube Support Team if you have an existing list of contacts to import and we can guide you through this process.
Still need help?
Get in touch with our award-winning customer support team if you have any questions. Call us now on 0330 002 1220 and dial option 1 or email: