Webex – Sharing logs & CED file for troubleshooting
You may be asked by the Bluecube support team to provide additional information from your Webex app, if basic troubleshooting hasn’t been able to solve issues with calls or other features. This is so the support team can escalate the issue to our supplier, and if needed the Webex developers.
There are two parts of the process – sharing the logs from the app, and exporting something called a CED (calling environment data) file and sharing it with the support team. These steps are slightly different between the mobile & desktop apps, so please find separate steps below.
Mobile App (Android or iOS)
- Click on your profile picture/initials icon, and select the ‘Send Logs’ option from the list (just above ‘Sign Out’). You should receive a notification that logs have been successfully shared.
- In the same menu accessed in the step above, click on ‘Settings’, and then ‘Calling’.
- Select the ‘Export Calling Environment Data’ option.
• If using Android, you can then choose the application to share the file with (usually your email app), and then send to support@bluecubecloud.com.
• If using iOS/Apple you will only have the option to share via email – just enter the support@bluecubecloud.com email address in the dialog that pops up, and press the green up arrow to share the CED file with the Bluecube team.

Desktop App (Windows)
- Click on your profile picture/initials icon, hover over ‘Help’ to expand the menu, and then click on ‘Send Logs’. You’ll receive a pop-up letting you know the logs are being uploaded.
- Click on your profile picture/initials icon, hover over ‘Help’ to expand the menu, then select ‘Export Calling Environment Data’. This will pop up a dialog asking you to name and save the file – we’d advise saving it with a descriptive name to a memorable location on your computer.
- You can now attach the CED file saved in the previous step to your support ticket with Bluecube, or send over directly on email to support@bluecubecloud.com.

If you have any problems while following the above steps, please get in touch with the Bluecube Support Team by raising a support ticket below, or emailing support@bluecubecloud.com.
Still need help?
Get in touch with our award-winning customer support team if you have any questions. Call us now on 0330 002 1220 and dial option 1 or email: support@bluecubecloud.com